Summer Solving

Dear Pre-Algebra Students: 

We hope your summer is going swimmingly! 

To keep your skills sharp and ensure that you are ready for 7th grade math, we have developed a summer solving packet. Summer Solving is made up of puzzle sheets, which is great for two reasons. One, they are self-correcting. If you get gibberish for an answer, you know you made one or more mistakes and can go back and look for them. Two, they are more fun to complete than plain old worksheets. (You have lots of bad pun worksheets to look forward to this year!) 

Please be sure you are using good 7th grade work habits when completing this work. Most importantly, ALL work must be shown and done on a separate piece of paper. Even if you have seen some of these sheets before, or if you can figure out the riddle, YOU MUST DO THE WORK! The point of summer solving is getting math practice, not figuring out riddles. 

Our expectations (in addition to the material in the packet): 

* All addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts through 12s without using fingers or a calculator. (These should be instant recall.) 

* Formulae for area, volume, circumference and surface area of basic shapes 

* Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive and negative integers, fractions and decimals (in packet) 

* Convert fractions, decimals and percents 

Additional good resources can be found in Important Documents on Mrs. Cangero’s BlackBoard. They include: Fluency Test with Standards, Skills Test Guide and Formula Cheat Sheet. If you still need more practice, that’s ok! Google the skills you need to work on to find more resources. There are lots of practice sheets out there—and Khan Academy has great lessons. 

The skills in the summer solving packet will be tested during the first two weeks of school and repeatedly throughout the year. We will also be using those skills starting with our very first chapter—and in every chapter thereafter. (We hit the ground running in pre-algebra.) 

See you in August! 

Your Pre-Algebra Teachers

PS – We have another Summer HW assignment—this time for your parents. Parents, we want to get to know our students. Please write us a note letting us know about your child—activities, family, likes and dislikes, fun facts, and anything that we should be aware of. Please be sure that your child’s first and last names and class period are on the letter. Your letters can be brought to school by your child or mailed to your teacher’s attention at Pine View School, 1 Python Path, Osprey FL 34229. Thank you! 😊 

Summer Solving Packet



"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb